$150 Fee
We charge a basic fee of $150 for each yearly casino tax refund filed and that includes one 1042-S win slip. For example there would be a separate basic charge for 2016 and 2017 refunds.
There is also an additional charge of $50 per 1042-S win slip not included in the basic fee.
There is a onetime fee of $50 to obtain an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) if you do not have one already.
If you have a previously filed for a casino tax refund we can correctly amend the file so that you can receive your refund. The basic fee for amended returns is $175.
Success Guarantee
Once we receive your application and all the winning slips, we will provide a clear written quote of your total fees and our success guarantee for your approval before we commence the service. Our success guarantee means our fees are only payable after we have successfully obtained a casino tax refund on your behalf.
Get In Touch
265 Rimrock Road, Suite 201
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Main Email : info@casinotaxrecovery.com
Toll Free : 1-877-787-9393
Local: 416-787-9393